Uchu Sanango Root Bark Dry Herb || Tabernaemontana sananho

Uchu Sanango Root Bark Dry Herb || Tabernaemontana sananho

Latin name: Tabernaemontana sananho
Common name: Uchu Sanango, Lobo Sanango
Family: Apocynaceae
Part Used: Root bark
Origin: Pucallpa, Peru. Lovingly made Bellingen, Australia
Size: 50g

Availability: 9 in stock


Availability: 9 in stock

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Tabernaemontana sananho is the master plant teacher Uchu Sanango from the Apocynaceae family. It must be used with caution, as with other Sanangos such as Chiric Sanango.

The plant is used in Amazonic South Americas and is known as a powerfully and highly respected plant unto itself, often used as an admixture to Ayahuasca medicine brews. Uchu Sanango is thought to help purify one’s mind, body, and spirit of negative energies by raising heat in the body.

The whole plant can be used for different ailments. It may aid in inflammatory diseases, anxiety, stress, eye-sight problems, memory issues, and muscular and skeletal ailments. It is thought to work through the nervous and musculoskeletal systems primarily to address the core structure of the body.

Caution: This plant causes very strong detoxification processes and should not be consumed without knowledge how to use. Do not use with pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Size: 50g

Please store in a cool dark place, out of sunlight, heat & air exposure.

This product has not been evaluated by the TGA for safe internal use. It is sold as a raw botanical product for ethnobotanical research purposes only.

Weight .1 kg
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