Solomon’s Seal || Polygonatum odoratum 50mL – Rebel Herbal

Solomon’s Seal || Polygonatum odoratum 50mL

Solomon’s Seal || Polygonatum odoratum 50mL

Latin name: Polygonatum odoratum/officinale
Common name: Solomon’s Seal
Family: Asparagaceae
Part Used: Root
Ingredients: Solomon’s Seal 1:5, Ethanol, Glycerin, Water
Origin: Lovingly made Bellingen, Australia
Size: 50mL

Availability: 10 in stock


Availability: 10 in stock

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Solomon’s Seal is the plant Polygonatum odoratum/officinale, related to the Lily’s in the Liliaceae family. It is a master plant for healing connective tissues, muscles, tendons, joints & broken bones. It moistens all mucous membranes especially the gut & lungs and it useful for systemic dryness. The transition through menopause is a time when dryness is natural for the body, which makes Solomon’s Seal a great ally during menopause to help bring balance.

Solomon’s Seal is a remedy for Saturnian things. Saturn breaks things, brings things to an end, and brings death. Solomon Seal is a remedy for this. If you have a challenging Saturn placement or during your Saturn Returns cycles (28 years, 56 years) this is a helpful plant ally to work with to ease the blow.

There are a few species of Polygonatum used similarly. The Latin name means ‘many knees’. Where as it’s common name Solomon’s Seal comes from the striations on the roots looking like a seal, sometimes overlapping to resemble the 6 sided triangle of King Solomon.

Please consult your health practitioner and take the time time to do your own research before consuming and plant preparation. Ensure there are no interactions, if you are currently taking medication.

Please store in a cool dark place, out of sunlight, heat & air exposure.

This product has not been evaluated by the TGA for safe internal use. It is sold as a raw botanical product for ethnobotanical research purposes only.

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