Madre refers to the Ayahuasca, meaning “Vine of the Dead” in the Quechua language, is becoming a well known brew spreading across the world, but it’s traditional use originates in the Amazon.
Although it is called Ayahuasca, the brew most are familiar with actually contains two plants, the Ayahuasca or Caapi vine, which contains the MAOI’s needed to make the DMT in the Chakruna leaves, the other traditional main admixture plant, active.
Despite being often used in combination, the Vine itself is considered to be a powerful healer and teacher, and is often believed to be a more feminine plant. This preparation is a tincture prepared from the flowers of this plant, combined with a vibrational flower essence from this plant.
Flower essences are subtle yet powerful preparations which harness the vibrational quality of a plant’s flowers. Similar to homeopathy, whereby minute dosing of a natural substance are used, flower essences capture the pure life force of a plant through pure water and prana.
Suggested dosage: 15 drops daily in water for enhanced dream activity and communication with the plant spirit. Do not combine with serotonin boosting compounds, SSRI’s, anti-psychotics or other medicines that work with the serotonin system.
Please store in a cool dark place, out of sunlight, heat & air exposure.
This product has not been evaluated by the TGA for safe internal use. It is sold as a raw botanical product for ethnobotanical research purposes only.