Palo Santo Essential Oil || Bursera graveolens

Palo Santo Essential Oil || Bursera graveolens

Latin name: Bursera graveolens
Common name: Palo Santo, Holy Wood
Family: Burseraceae
Part Used: Wood
Origin: Ecuador. Lovingly made Bellingen, Australia.
Size: 10mL, 20mL

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Bursera graveolens also known as Palo Santo is an aromatic tree whose wood is rich in volatile oils. It grows throughout Southern and Central America, and is used traditionally as an incense for grounding, clearing and purifying.

The beautiful aroma of the wood has a calming effect when burned, smudged or vaporised. The tree is considered sacred.

This essential oil is 100% undiluted, and is sustainably harvested from fallen branches (approximately 4-10 years of age) in a private reserve in Ecuador.

Documented/reported actions: relaxant, anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, antioxidant, anti-viral, antibacterial

Please store in a cool dark place, out of sunlight, heat & air exposure.


10ml, 20ml

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