Chuchuwasi Tincture || Maytenus macrocarpa

Chuchuwasi Tincture || Maytenus macrocarpa

Latin name: Maytenus macrocarpa
Common name: Chuchuwasi
Family: Celastraceae
Part Used: Bark
Origin: Peru. Lovingly made Bellingen, Australia
Ingredients: Chuchuwasi 1:5, Ethanol, Glycerine, Water
Size: 50mL

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Chuchuwasi is the plant Maytenus macrocarpa from the Amazon rain forest. It is used there as an adaptogenic plant that primarily relieves inflammation and relaxes muscles.

It is being looked into for use as a herbal aid in the treatment of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid conditions. In other uses it is a type of ‘Ginseng’ like cure all plant that is traditionally used to boost immunity, improve libido (aphrodisiac qualities), aid digestion and normalise female reproductive conditions.

It is also used as a dieta plant alongside the traditional ayahuasca brew.

The bark contains alkaloids, tannins, triterpenes and sesquiterpenes. The pyridine alkaloids which may be responsible for its anti-arthritic effects.

Please store in a cool dark place, out of sunlight, heat & air exposure.

This product has not been evaluated by the TGA for safe internal use. It is sold as a raw botanical product for ethnobotanical research purposes only.

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