Silene capensis, also known as Ubulawu or African dream root, has a long history of use among the Xhosa people of South Africa, and is considered to cause dreams to become lucid, vivid and prophetic.
Dreaming is an important plant of Xhosa culture, where dreams are considered to be communication from the ancestors, and Ubulawu is one of the plants used to support this connection. It is considered to be sacred, and is used as part of ceremonies and rituals.
Ubulawu is best consumed in the morning on an empty stomach, to give the body time to process the active constituents in time for sleep that night. Effects may take continued use to become apparent, and will increase with use.
Please store in a cool dark place, out of sunlight, heat & air exposure.
This product has not been evaluated by the TGA for safe internal use. It is sold as a raw botanical product for ethnobotanical research purposes only.